Page name: Elmo Haters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-02-13 12:29:19
Last author: ::HOLLY WOOD::
Owner: ::HOLLY WOOD::
# of watchers: 22
Fans: 0
D20: 11
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This wiki has been made for all the people who hate, loath and despise that horrible and truely perversed little red fluff ball also known as "Elmo". 
We hate him because he does not deserve to live,he is perversed, he knows where you live (FYI: TRUE!),he stalks you and spies on you the little skank! Everyone who likes Elmo should be hung, drawn and quatered for joining this sickening little cult and they know it was well as the rest of us.
Thank you
P.S when you leave please leave a comment thank you xxx

The Elmo Haters


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<h2>DIE ELMO DIE! </h2>

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2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: moooooo

2005-12-31 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: meoooooooooow

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: woof

2005-12-31 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: randomness lol x

2005-12-31 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: ish cold lol x

2005-12-31 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: lol

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: heehee

2005-12-31 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: w00 am getting pissed to night lolx

2005-12-31 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lucky :(

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: yesh oh yesh ish am lol xxx

2005-12-31 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: adcfgvhbjnkml,

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: lerskjgzdx corgrxd

2005-12-31 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: ok.....

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: heehee

2005-12-31 [~~Dark Princess~~]: nice wiki it's freakin awsome

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: heehee lol

2005-12-31 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: KILL ELMO KILL ELMO

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: YESH WE SHALL ALL KILL ELMO ^^

2005-12-31 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: YAY YAY

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: w00t w00t

2005-12-31 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hehe

2005-12-31 [ILY;;]: haha

2005-12-31 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: ehehehehe

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: ........................................

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: ??????????????????

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: staying out of this one

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: i will to lol its annoyingy after a whil ^-^ ^-^

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: Llama

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: ooooooooooo LLAMAS!

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: oki then im nty gona watch dis 1 cya *runs off*

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *Spies Har and jumps over to him * xx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: humph *sits finkin ov imaginery friends* xx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *walks away*

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: *raises eyebrow, stares nd looks reali sad*

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *sits alone facing wall and crys*

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: *walks over kneels down behind nd hugs ya*

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *tilts head back looking at you* xxxx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: AWWW! *brings you two together hugging you both*

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *smiles at wifey*

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: *looses words* o elo

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *smiles at MY har* xx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: *smiles at ya both* xxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *lays on har and pointa at holly"she is my wifsky ^^ xxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: *waves nd smiles* elo :D xxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: she is awsomnesses *lays there* xxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: yay w00t w00t awesome :D *rolls head round* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: hiya!!!! *hugs har and then meya

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: elo weee i gt new fwend :D *hugs ya both nd says "u 2 r teh best"*

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *Hugs back then holds tum*Ouchy xxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: *looks at ya both* uh omg u k babeh xxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: nopy owy *sniffels* xxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: awwwww babeh *holds ya hand nd says squeeze if ya need 2 babeh* xxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *squeezes it tight"ow m tum is realy ecking sore xxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: awwwwwwww *rubs ur tummy* xxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: i feel speshul! awww.....::hugs meya betta or at least tries::

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: hehe u r speshul

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: "Huggels wifey"Thanx hun...*Smiles at Har*Thanx you too xxxxxx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: yay! fankoo Har s'ok wifesky!

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: hehe um im gonna b quiet cuz i feel im gona do sumut rong in a mo

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: well weneva i get the feelin i always do sumut or say sumut offensive

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: oh no dont say nothing to me coz i take it seriously

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: well most peeps do nd i gt myself in2 a fight wid 1 ov my old skool friends 2moz

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: .......not getting involved

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: lolz

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *cover mouth with hand*eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tut tut her hun xxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: wat me?

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: uuuuuuuuuu lolz *jumps on ya* xxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: wat bout me? *catches ya nd falls 2 the floor* xxxx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: ..........................::walks away from scene::.....youngsters these days!

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: Your smexiful*falls on top of ya* xxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: *smiles* xxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *grins* xxx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: what me? thank you think you could please carry this on in private please?

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: dont worry wifey i will x

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: um yea gd idea

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: heehee lol xxx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: hee hee hee

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: howz dat funni??

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *shrugs*

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: ha ha ha! ::hugs Har :: ::hugs meya::

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *hugs wifey* xxx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: yay i feel speshul

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: you are hun x

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: yay

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: teehee xxx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: m tum is killing my literly xx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: awww

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: i know hun it reks xxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: hope ya get bettr babeh xxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: hee me too xxx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: twiglet

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: ooooo twiglets but tongue is bettr :D

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: whos tongue lol ^^xx

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: ...........what?

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: heehee scaring wifey *hugs wifey* x

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: hu scarin ur wifey??

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: one of us not shure though lol xxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: prob me were i sed tongue nd u shud no y :D xxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: haa yeah i do xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: hehe lolz yummy tongue :P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: its mine *closes mouth* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: nah me want it :P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *sticjs it out then closes mouth again* xxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: omg u teasin me agen *looks at floor* xxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *lifts ya head up* i like too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: i no but i lyk tongue *watches ya* xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *smiles*what this tongue*sticks it back out and shuts mouth* xxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: *frowns* yea dat 1 *starts walkin bkwards* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *looks cofused* its mine xxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: well i gt myn but i want urs *looks at u* can i av urs nd u can av myn :P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: *thinks*if you really wanna..xxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: oooooooo *shakes head* nah ill get it 2moz or summit :D cuz u wud prob av 4got then xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: aha ya think hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: yea well u will give it 2 me sumtym :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: i will ,will i lolz =P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: yea u will cuz i can b vry tricky :P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: ee trickin me tut tut xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: hehe full ov em xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: shamfull but i guess you can trick me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: hehe well i no ud give it 2 me neway xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ILY;;]: yeah thats true huni i g2g xxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-01 [ScWuB x3]: hehe w00t w00t k cya babeh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: .............

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: hey

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: go onto my new wiki bobtail and finch

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: ok ish will xx

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: hey hey

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: hey

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: hows everryone?

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: good. yew?

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: hyper!

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: ish gud x

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: gdgd

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: yu pyup

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: m pup is finaly seteled down lol

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: huh?

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: (lol other words) my pup aint hyper no more

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: i see

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: yeah lol x

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: mmm im so bored....we need sumin fun to do....

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: yeah i know same hea lol x

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: any suggestions

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: ...*thinks* nope not reli still sleepy ^^

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: same ere.

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: got up at 1:20 pm teehee

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: omfg! lazy sod

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: teehee yeah i know lazy dazy

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: ...........

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: Lazy person who lyks to scare me in otha wikis....

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: huh?

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: yesh ish scary ^^

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: i know....ur mean....*runs off* MEANIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: well you knew to much about my wiki fetish lolz

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: *cowers in corner*

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: my wiki fetish*hugs wiki fetish*

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: ::hugs elsie:: please stop scaring her Meya please hunni?

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: she knew to much about my wiki fetish it scared me..

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: *hugs bak* its orrite. *runs and charges EmO KiD down* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: FUCK! *runs other way screaming*

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: awwww STOP IT NOW! I SHALL HAVE NO FIGHTING IN THIS WIKI!::grabs you both by the ear you too stop?

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: OWWW! *trys to get to EmO KiD*

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: *yelp* she charged at me...HELP WIFEY

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: gggrrrrr but she was scareing me....

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: your scaring me lol you know too much..

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: i know everything there is to know in the world.....

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: *shivers* thats creepy bt cool

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: yeah im all powerful

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: ooooooooooooooooooooooooo *pokes* all powerful

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: *pokes bak* ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the one they call stoopid!

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: who me?

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: stop it or i'll have you BOTH banned from the wiki

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: *sits down and chills* sozy wifey

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: yup well acually its oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo all emo! lol

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: sowy

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: its not all me -_-

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: well its not all me either!....

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: nope its both ov us ^-^;

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: s'ok...just dont argue! or fight! i dont tolerate that behaviour!

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: can we argue, fight and scare each other outside the wiki?

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: teehee roar

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: ggrrrrr

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: ::locks you two in seperate rooms:: you are not coming out till you both say sorry to one another ok?

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: SORRY! ALL POWERFUL -__-

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: all we have to do is wait for ELSIE to apologise

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: *sits back to door*

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: SORRY!

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: *bangs head off wall* clostrofobic

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: let her out!

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: *Runs in circles,screaming*

2006-01-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: promise not to attack eachother?

2006-01-02 [ILY;;]: AH YES IM DIEING IN HEA WIFEY! *slaps self*

2006-01-02 [sleepy hollow]: we promise just let her out

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